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Elden Ring Gets Story Recap Video Ahead Of Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC

Get ready to return to the world of Elden Ring with a brief look at the Tarnished's journey so far.


Later this month, Bandai Namco is diving back into the world of Elden Ring with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. That's assuming that players ever left one of the best games of 2022. As of this month, Elden Ring has sold over 25 million copies to become the best-selling game in Bandai Namco's history. But for any newcomers to the game, or anyone who just wants a recap of what came before, Bandai Namco has released a new Elden Ring video called The Journey So Far.

Game of Thrones creator George R. R. Martin helped Hidetaka Miyazaki create the backstory and the world of Elden Ring, and the game has a deep mythology behind it. The video offers a very condensed version of the lore, including the introduction of the Lands Between and the destruction of the Elden Ring.

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Now Playing: ELDEN RING – Official "The Journey So Far" Catch Up Trailer

Additionally, the video briefly revisits the story of the player character, The Tarnished, and the alliance they make with Malenia to bring her to the Erdtree. Anyone who has already played through the game should recognized the snippets that follow as the Tarnished amasses the power that is necessary to finish the quest, restore the Elden Ring, and become the new Elden Lord. If you're looking for a more complete explanation of the story, we've put one together here.

It's only in the closing seconds of the video that players get a glimpse at the battles ahead in Shadow of the Erdtree. The Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC will launch on June 21 on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. If you want a better idea of what's coming, check out our thoughts after playing through the first few hours of Shadow of the Erdtree.

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