Do you justify yourself?

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MyCatIsMilk  Online

Poll Do you justify yourself? (6 votes)

Yes 17%
No 50%
A little bit of both. I'll explain 0%
That's racist ;) 33%

Hopefully the title left a little bit, if not complete, ambiguity for you to come and find out what I'm wanting to find out from you. Sounds pretty redundant. No, I'm not here to ask for your SSN. LOL.

Most often in conversation, I find people justify one thing or another by adding a qualifier, like I'm friends with a black guy, or homosexual, therefore it's okay that I say or do X,Y, or Z. Do you find yourself doing this? Why or why not?

I'm friends with a Korean; been friends for 8yrs now. He and I are best friends, knowing how to put salt into our ever increasing wounds, but we love each other greatly. PLATONICLY! I swear. LOL ;) Anyway, I'll make Asian jokes and he and I die of laughter from them. But when other people hear me doing them, they get offended. Now it's at this point I find that people usually justify themselves to another why it's okay. My thinking is, who cares what anyone else thinks? I know my friend, they don't. I don't say, "Oh! We've been friends for 8yrs now." Because ultimately, I don't care what they think, and he knows me. What about you guys? I hope this made sense. :)

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#1  Edited By GirlUSoCrazy  Online
Member since 2015 • 1367 Posts

Nothing really to say about this thread but the topic made me think of this...

I guess the quote "thou doth protest too much" comes to mind

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#2 dracula_16
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I'm white, but I laugh at jokes about white people. Russell Peters is my favourite comedian and he makes fun of all races and cultures (including whites). I love all races; it's all I've ever known. I'm from Toronto and it's well known to be a city with many different nationalities.

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#3 uninspiredcup
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Try not to, but sometimes yes.

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#4 SargentD
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Nah and when people want me to, I purposely won't, because I like to see people get upset. Or ill act offended towards them for being offended, and then watch them justify why they are offended and not respond and stare at them.keep em guessing if your serious or not. Makes life funny

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#5 mrbojangles25
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@mycatismilk: as to your specific example, I'm kind of the same way. I will laugh at jokes about race, especially at my own expense. I laugh at jokes about professions, especially my own; some hit close to home and that makes them even better.

With that said, I'm generally not the kind of guy to rib people. I just wasn't raised that way and it's not really part of my identity to be "one of the guys" and just talk shit to each other. I don't object to it, I just don't really do it. I admit it has made bonding with my fellow dudes a bit tough at times, but not really a problem.

As for the topic in general, no. I don't justify my actions or beliefs. I will happily explain why I feel the way I do or think the way I do if asked, but otherwise no.

I turned 40 this year and to be honest in my 30's I grew a lot and realized I'm doing pretty good, not a bad person. I feel compelled to push back against woke agendas but it's not because I hate them, I just don't like it when people focus on problems without offering realistic solutions.

Sometimes I can be overly pragmatic which I guess is a sign of sociopathy in conjunction with other traits but I think I am pretty well balanced out 😋 Just, you know, don't put me in any situations where I can cure cancer but it means 1000 school children will die because those kids are definitely dying 😁